Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Long Attention Span May Be Resistant To Interruption Education Essay Free Essays
The reason for talent is as yet dangerous. It could be a familial or condition factor or both. Current accepting recommends that the significance of the cistron is more noteworthy, however without fitting nutriment, the skilled child ‘s conceivable can much of the time remain undiscovered. We will compose a custom article test on Long Attention Span May Be Resistant To Interruption Education Essay or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now There are a few indexs which may propose a child is talented. A few highlights of skill: Peruses ahead of schedule with incredible perception Learns quicker with less rehash and example Has a long going to length ; might be resistant to interference Comprehends and makes reflections prior ; may dismiss inside informations Is clever and will in general ask complex inquiries/Likes to cognize why and how things occur Is expedient to recognize connections, including cause-impact ; may hold inconvenience tolerating the unlogical Is exhausted with regular endeavors Has enormous jargon and communicates great Is sincerely touchy/may overcompensate Is an intense and attentive perceiver Assesses realities, proclamations, and people basically/May act naturally basic, anxious or disparaging of others High vitality Learns by testing and controlling articles ; endeavors to happen answers to requests in unordinary ways Is originative, creative and unique. Displaies very created feeling of mind ; comprehends chokes that age equivalent would non The above highlights of the gifted children set them apart from the others. We would be off base if we somehow happened to express that skilled children are all-around. The way that this gathering of students who have been singled out and marked as â€Å" gifted †, are every now and again mixed up as sole gathering of elitists. As an outcome, they are by and large forgot about from their equivalents. The talent do hold an extraordinary effect in their lives. The extraordinary difference between a gifted child ‘s qualities and failings makes him/her hard to suit wherever and thusly social occupations happen. The hairsplitting in gifted understudies prompts high evaluation of self-analysis, rivalry and additionally unreasonable open introduction viewpoints. Subsequently, given the extreme want to satisfy wonder, they feel limited in breaking down an issue based procurement if there is cut distribution. Assignment would be too much simple or exorbitantly hard for them that confines the students ‘ opportunities for progress. The skilled understudies regularly do non hold precise self-information about their capacity. They are expert touchy to cultural input. Their craving for independency prompts endeavors to order the situation. Lamentably, educators and others as often as possible have ridiculous viewpoints of high open introduction in all nations deliberately, however are awkward with distinction and dread predominant perception. At the point when independence is non esteemed in for the skilled understudies, it will take them to cultural disengagement in light of the fact that ther e is no positive capacity hypothetical record present and that their wants and capacities may non fit possibilities. When using propelled work goals, talented understudies will in general make things happen their equivalents and educator. They are non inspired by memorisation, rehash, or lower degrees of accepting. They can't order their feelings and simple baffled, humiliated or forceful toward individuals who make checks. This blocks them to hold vitality to win to finishing of an end. This could be because of school exercises, which are non separated or questioning or offer no profundity and unpredictability. Instructors ought to non name the capable students for their disparities and evade them. They name them to get them, their experience and their qualities with the goal that they can make a comprehensive procurement condition. The teachers ‘ convictions are extremely of import. Contrasts ought to be viewed as a standard rather than the avoidance and that each child is separated from everyone else. The activities from the educators can do a distinction in the child ‘s life be it at present or in the great beyond. At the point when the educators show respect and thoughtfulness regarding the understudies, they impact the students to make the equivalent to other people To gracefully the requests of the skilled understudies in the standard schoolrooms and boost everybody ‘s possibility and power, educators can tap on these assaults: community oriented procurement, genuine setting securing and self-ruling obtaining. A definitive end is to permit students to larn about the substance than the teachers giving all the answers, educators ‘ work is to put cardinal builds, rules and speculation of substance nation irreplaceable for all understudies to hang on. Through shared procurement, students with various qualities can cooperate and they process data in different manners, giving more contemplations to a gathering work. This causes capable students to uncover their quality, pulling their marvel and imparting entrances to the rest of the class. In actuality, setting procurement, students get the chance to perceive what is educated past content releases, with the goal that skilled understudies would non simple get exhausted. Also, in the end, with self-governing procurement, students get the chance to take the nation of associations and read up using numerous writings and a combination of asset stuffs. These give opportunity and independency for securing, furthermore transfuse the responsibility for students ‘ work. â€Å" Cipher sees the air current ; neither you, nor I. In any case, when the trees bow down their caputs, the air current is go throughing by. †Simply as we can non see the air current, we can non occur, run on, or transplant knowledge. However we see the working or appearances of knowledge in the practices of individuals. Skilled understudies do non hold the capacity to put their qualities, so make their equivalents and educators. Be that as it may, if the teachers have confidence in them and set up a human advancement that qualities and buys on different blessings, non just will the skilled students will benefit, all children would be supported, created and tested in this comprehensive obtaining network in an increasingly pregnant way. This is the point at which we understand and treasure their knowledge. ( 1069 words ) The most effective method to refer to Long Attention Span May Be Resistant To Interruption Education Essay, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Raphael’s Triumph of Galatea from 1512
Workmanship is fascinating on the grounds that it is at the same time unmistakable and logical: extraordinary craftsmanship remains all alone, yet it likewise remains in the shadow of that which has preceded, and fills in as the directing light to cast the shadows of that which will come after it. Two artworks which share various similitudes and contrasts are Raphael’s Triumph of Galatea from 1512 and Bronzino’s Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time from 1546. Each work focuses on speaking to legendary characters and occasions, and frets about thoughts of love.However, Raphel’s work speaks to love and excellence as model, increasingly theoretical ideas, where Bronzino’s work has accomplished both acclaim and shame for its sexual hints, underscoring suggestive love. Raphael’s painting is a fresco, and uses increasingly cleaned out hues to speak to the fantasy like part of the occasions: even as Galatea is on the cusp of divination, the world turns out to be less genuine to her, and more dream-like, which is the thing that the canvas endeavors to emphasize.Bronzino’s work accentuates substance hues to draw out the striking bareness of its characters, just as the scarcely hidden sexual nature of the procedures. Bronzino attracts the eye to the sexual procedures among Cupid and Venus by placing Venus in the frontal area, which stands out very well from Raphael’s center around the fairy: while she is focused and clearly the focal point of the work (the eyes are unavoidably attracted to her), yet she is attracted to a similar scale (comparative with the watcher) as the other legendary figures of the work.Additionally, while each work utilizes fanciful characters, every doe so to a totally different end: in concentrating on rising to eternality, Raphael focuses on this occasion as the summit of natural excellence turning out to be transcendent†¦something to which even we minor humans can aim. On the other hand, Bronzinoâ⠂¬â„¢s work serves a metaphorical capacity: the fringe perverted occasions that are being sanctioned by Venus and Cupid are being managed by Folly (looking satisfied, as an unsubtle pointer that their activity is an absurd one) and an alarmed Father Time.Other characters are in comparative â€Å"reaction shots†of stun and awfulness. While both Raphael and Bronzino were Italian, their works were results of totally different social developments. The metaphorical craft of Bronzino is the course book perfect of Mannerism: it is scholarly and intriguing while simultaneously causing to notice the counterfeit idea of what is as a rule portrayed.Arguably, such works work more as scene than workmanship, as a feature of the work’s power lies not inside the work itself, however in the response it incites from others. Raphael, obviously, encapsulated the utilization of the fresco: being painted to supplement the richness of a home, it centers around the perspectives that the rich official wishes to find in himself (the crossing point between natural presence and profound eternality is, obviously, highlighted in the home of somebody who truly trusts their natural riches can be tempered by otherworldly riches).Obviously, Raphael and Bronzino used various mediums in various timeframes to speak to various occasions. In any case, it is striking how, with respect to topic, every one moved toward things so in an unexpected way. Raphael treated the legendary characters with a practically verifiable center, and decided to feature the otherworldliness and eternality of a solitary fanciful event.Bronzino’s work assumes the idea of an unusual speculative, and serves to remind refined workmanship fans that the debauchery of the fanciful characters that they so love is not something to be respected or imitated. Every craftsman, notwithstanding, was worried about what magnificence was, regardless of whether that answer is profound or basic commonsense: whether it c oncerns otherworldly genuine love or basic natural enthusiasm. In the discussion between these two perspectives, the substance of their specialty lives until the end of time.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Working with Magazine Editors
Working with Magazine Editors Editors can be a fastidious lot, particularly when it comes to maintaining a professional relationship with writers. For starters, editors areâ€"by natureâ€"perfectionists in many things, particularly in language and communication. If you have poor communication skills, odds are that youre not making a good living out of freelance writing for magazines. However, even some of the best communicators end up going toe-to-toe with unsatisfied editors who demand more than the writer can give. In those cases, and when building your career as a freelance writer, its best to know some good strategies in dealing with editors, including the particularly demanding ones.Return emails/calls/texts promptlyEven if the editor took three weeks to get back to you regarding your query, be sure to immediately return his or her communication as quickly as you possibly can. Editors like to know that when they are working on tight publishing deadlines, a writer can be on call and ready to help at last-minut e notice. This kind of promptness and dependability will certainly get you noticed and keep you on the magazines freelance payroll.Dont submit work with a lot of grammar/spelling mistakesEven though a magazine has its own copyeditors, any writing that you submit will mean extra work for others if it includes a lot of spelling errors and grammar mistakes. Beyond that, it simply looks unprofessional on your part. A writers first talent should be with language, including the rules of that language. If you arent naturally gifted in this area, hire a copyeditor or proofreader to do it for you before you submit it to the magazine. It will increase an editors respect for you as a writer and as a professional.Help out when the magazine is in a crunch and needs someone to cover a story last-minuteThis is a big one. As a freelance writer, its easy to dream about seeing your name in the by-line of some great journalistic effort or feature article; however, its not so easy to cover an event tha t anyone could write aboutâ€"or worse, to write for a section that isnt given a by-line at all. All writers want the features and few want the other parts of a magazine, but the editor is responsible for pulling the entire publication together and will likely need your help in completing some of the less exciting work required to do so. If you are there for him or her in a crunch, youll become a valuable asset to the magazine and to the editor, personally. This helps increase your chances of landing more feature articles and more recommendations from that editor to other publications or editors seeking freelancers.Dont pester themIts tempting to continue attempting to contact an editor when you havent heard from him or her within a few weeks about an article query or idea. And weve all heard that persistence pays offâ€"so why not be persistent about it? While this might be true in some facets of the publishing industry, it usually doesnt hold water for the magazine industry.Magazine and newspaper editors are busy, especially at certain points of the week or month when the publications deadlines must be met. During these times, editors do well to keep their head above water to get that weeks publication to the newsstands on time, or that months publication to the printers on time. They certainly dont have the time to answer queries or deal with freelancers who are persistent about future article ideas. If you continue to contact them over the same query or idea multiple times, odds are you will be turned down when the editor finally has time to check his or her messages or email. If youve sent out a query, wait a bit. If the editor is a professional, which most of them are, he or she will get back with you at their convenienceâ€"and have a much more positive attitude about doing so.Dont send an article or idea to several editors at onceThis is a big mistake in the publishing industry, whether you are querying magazine editors, newspaper editors or book publishe rs. Many are friends with other editors of other publications and word gets around if you are the type of writer who does this. Only query one at a time and wait to hear back before sending your idea to another editor. If the editor has not responded within a reasonable amount of time (usually a month is considered reasonable in this industry), then write or call once to ensure that the editor received the query. At this point, you can politely request permission to query other editors if he or she is not interested in your article or idea.Keep your communication short and professionalAlthough it might be tempting to write long query letters or emails detailing the extent of your knowledge and expertise on a particular subject, dont. As previously mentioned, editors are busy and simply dont have the time to read through multiple emails from overly verbose writers. The short communiques are the ones that are more likely to get their attention quickly.With the right amount of patience , professionalism and ability, writers who manage to work well with editors will be rewarded for their attempts. In the business of freelance writing for magazines, once you establish yourself as a writer that is easy to work with, dependable and not a nuisance, editors are likely to send more assignments your way because you make their lives easier. Make their lives more difficult and youve very likely to never hear from them again.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Importance Of Play And Its Effect On Cognition,...
Assessment of Play Jimmy Kue Northeastern State University Abstract This paper explores the importance of play and its effect on cognition, linguistics, and pragmatics in infants and toddlers and how play can affect their social competence as preschoolers. Assessment of Play In a third world country, some Hmong parents’ believe in the teaching for survival needs are important and necessary in order to survive. Chores were evenly distributed throughout the family who were capable to contribute to everyday labor. However, young children who cannot contribute were allowed to play with other kids in the village. Some of the popular play activities were hide and seek, a jump rope made out of rubber bands, and wooden tops (Cha, Mai, Carmen, 2004). Meanwhile in a developed country, children were also playing hide and seek, jumping ropes, and spinning tops as well. According to O’ Grady and Dusing (2014), â€Å"Play is defined as a pleasurable, active, self-motivated developmental phenomenon by which infants and young children learn about the world through interactions with objects and people†(page number) It should be noted that when I used the term play, the child is the center focus of a play activity in a natural setting. In this paper, I will discuss the importance of play relative to language in these domains: cognition, linguistics, pragmatics, and social competency. Cognition Cognition is the basis for language. It is important to develop early cognition in infants.Show MoreRelatedFactors that Promote Rapid Language Learning in Children?1406 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to Chomsky (1972), language acquisition is one of the exclusive characteristics of human beings and is known as the jewel in the crown of cognition (Pinker, 1994). 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We then derive empirically testable predictions concerning how these different types of visual figures may influence such consumer responses as elaboration and belief change. The article concludes with a discussion of the importance of marrying textual analysis, as found in literary, semiotic and rhetorical disciplines, with the experimental methodology characteristic of social and cognitive psychology. Key Words advertising figurative speech image metaphor picture rh etoricRead MoreA Capacity Theory of Comprehension: Individual Differences in Working Memory17146 Words  | 69 Pagesamong syntactic and pragmatic information, so that their syntactic processes are not informationally encapsulated. Another aspect is syntactic ambiguity: The larger capacity of some individuals permits them to maintain multiple interpretations. The theory is instantiated as a production system model in which the amount of activation available to the model affects how it adapts to the transient computational and storage demands that occur in comprehension. Working memory plays a central role in allRead MoreMidterm Study Guide5701 Words  | 23 Pages of language include phonology, semantics, prosody, grammar (which includes morphology and syntax), pragmatics, and metalinguistics. Define these terms. Sample question The system of sounds of a language, e.g., how basic sound units are put together to form words, is known as: a. phonology b. semantics c. inflection d. pragmatics e. deep structure C. Overview of What is Known About Language Development in Each ofRead MorePeculiarities of Euphemisms in English and Difficulties in Their Translation19488 Words  | 78 Pagesorder to avoid a direct connotations with topics that are embarrassing, frightening or uncomfortable: God, the devil, sex, death, money, war, crime or religion. These topics seem to be cross cultural. A linguistic consequence of cultural taboos is the creation of euphemisms. The euphemism as a linguistic phenomenon shows no signs of disappearing. In present-day English euphemisms are mostly based on some social and ethical standard of behavior, on the desire not to hurt people‘s feelings (lodger-Read MoreDevelopmental Psychology14082 Words  | 57 Pagesexperience that encourage them to reflect on their own thinking. As a result, they gain dramatically in reasoning and problem solving. At the same time Vygotsky argues that dialogues with more expert members of society also lead to continuous changes in cognition that vary from culture to culture. Information processing theorists again believe that development is a smooth continuous process and that children gradually improve in perception, attention, memory and problem solving skills. Processes studied
Monday, May 11, 2020
Teaching in America God in Schools - 826 Words
Every job opportunity can have ups and downs within it. Teaching is not an exception; there are many different jobs involving teaching, including teaching in the government run public schools. Since the public schools are run by the government they have certain laws and restrictions that the teachers must abide by. One such law is influencing children to consider a certain religious belief during class time. Even though teachers in public schools are not allowed to mention their personal religion in the classroom, they can still share their beliefs after school or by fostering an atmosphere where the students ask for their personal opinion. Teachers play a huge role in society by teaching children academic, social, and behavioral skills. Teachers teach children a variety of subjects including the basic subjects, as well as, extra special classes. Some of the basics would include arithmetic, reading, and writing; whereas, some of the extracurricular activities may include band, art, choir, or different sports. The teachers also teach social and behavioral skills by correcting the student or praising a student depending on how they act. The behavioral teaching begins when a child is small and continues as the child becomes older. When teachers let a child know they disapprove of certain actions they are encouraging the child not to do them. A child who is praised for a certain action may be more likely in the future to repeat such an action. Teaching children behavioralShow MoreRelatedEssay on Intelligent Design: The Best of Both Theories1112 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen going on for years and years. Should schools be all owed to teach evolution without teaching creationism? The courts have ruled, the answer is no, the theory of creationism cannot be included in a public school’s academic curriculum. With the court’s decision, it has been made clear there is no place for faith based theories to be taught in our public schools. What if there was a different approach that took God out of the equation? Public high schools should allow a course in intelligent designRead More Keep Church and State Separated Essay1667 Words  | 7 PagesKeep Church and State Separated missing works cited America is constantly evolving and redefining itself. Those who oppose a separation between church and state claim that because this country was founded on religious principles, our government should continue to base its laws on a Judeo-Christian God. An article entitled, â€Å"Standing up for Church-State Separation in Difficult Times,†states that, â€Å"Religious Right groups are crowing and insisting that they have some sortRead MoreThe Iglesia Ni Cristo of the Philippines1193 Words  | 5 Pagesin North America (US, Canada, Mexico, and Latin America), Europe (England, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, etc.), the Mediterranean (Italy, Israel, Greece, etc.), Africa (Nigeria), and Asia (China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia). During a recent interview with Joy Villanueva, a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo, she stated that the purpose of her religion was to, [worship] God and...[live] a moral way of life and [be] saved...[to] just living the way God wants youRead MorePrayer in the Public Schools1111 Words  | 5 PagesPrayer in the Public Schools Diana Brown Everest Online Composition 1-226 ABSTRACT This essay is composed of facts supporting that prayer in Public Schools would be beneficial for the children and the United States of America. Prayer is an address to God or a god in word or thoughts. The Anti- Defamation League states that, â€Å"A moment of silence will inevitably be unconstitutional or the purpose and effect of such moments of silence are invariably to advance religion. 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I will present both sides of my topic and make a stand on why I feel that religion does not belong in public schools. Some of the pros of Creationism are that students have to think beyond the box. CreationismRead MoreThe Big Bang Theory And Evolution1612 Words  | 7 Pagesnot view geological findings through the Big Bang theory, but through the Biblical creation theory. Due to their disagreements he had traveled to a different country only to fail to understand his new professor s teachings The United States of America was founded upon the Christian God but yet teachers are not even allowed to teach about the Biblical creation theory of how Earth was made. They are forced to only teach about the big-bang theory and evolution. What students are being taught todayRead MoreThe Scopes Trial And Creationism1053 Words  | 5 PagesCreationism and Evolution have always been a topic in America since the Scopes Trial. The Scopes Trial took place in 1928 when the Supreme Court was deciding whether schools should teach Evolution or Creationism. The foundation of evolution is based upon the belief tha t the origin of all ordered complex systems, including living creatures, can be explained by natural laws without the intervention of God. In that trial the Supreme Court came to a conclusion that Evolution was banned and that creationismRead MoreScopes Trial Essay1167 Words  | 5 Pagescreated unease and animosity throughout the country. The Butler Act of 1925 prohibited the teaching of evolution and any other theories that deny the story of the divine creation of man as taught in the Bible in all Universities and public schools in Tennessee. John Scopes, a high-school biology teacher in Dayton, Tennessee decided to test this law. He was found guilty of teaching evolution to his high-school students despite the Butler Act, resulting in a court trial that brought strong personalitiesRead MoreThe Origin Of Life And Evolution1744 Words  | 7 Pagesapproximate of 42% of Americans believe that humanity was created by God, 18% believe in an evolution directed by God, and only 26% of them support Darwin’s theory. In Great Britain, a survey performed by BBC to a 2000 people sample found that 52% said to believe in non Darwinian explications for the origin of life and evolution. In a more recent survey done in 34 countries by Science magazine, which included the United States of America, Japan and 32 European countries, asked the respondents if â€Å"the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reflection on Refusal of Treatment Free Essays
The purpose of this essay is to select an incident which occurred during clinical placement and to discuss and reflect on it in order to improve future practice. To do this, the framework of the Marks-Moran and Rose Model of Reflection (1997) will be used. Utilizing the four stages of this model, I will describe the incident, give a reflective observation, discuss related theory and conclude with thoughts for any future actions. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection on Refusal of Treatment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Any patient discussed will be given a pseudonym to ensure patient confidentiality as described by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NC) (2010). During a recent placement in an Endoscope day unit, I met Mrs. Smith who was attending to undergo a Gastropod. She had a history of acid reflux and had been referred for the procedure as an outpatient but had not attended her Pre-Admission Clinic appointment. Upon her arrival, myself and a staff nurse took baseline observations and spoke with the patient to ensure that she had fasted from midnight which was necessary for the procedure. On advising her on anesthesia, I informed her that she had two options. The first was a throat spray to numb the local area and she could leave almost immediately afterwards. The second was sedation and analgesia in the form of Fontanel and Modally which would be given through intravenous accumulation; however, she would have to remain with us for several hours post procedure. Mrs. Smith began to panic and became quite irate. She stated that she had been under the impression that she would be given a general anesthetic and would be asleep the entire time. I explained that the doctor required her to be awake for this procedure and that general anesthetic was not an option. Mrs. Smith then stated that she was withdrawing her consent and wished to leave. The staff nurse who had been observing me swiftly took over the conversation and tempted to calm down the patient. She advised me to escort Mrs. Smith to the private seating area that was reserved for consultations but not to offer her anything to drink; Just in case she changed her mind about the Gastropod going ahead. Once we were all in privacy, the nurse then sat down and asked Mrs. Smith why she was so scared. Mrs. Smith stated that she had heard of complications involved with Stereoscopes and she would rather not take the risk. The nurse explained that the risk of a serious incident was extremely rare and at worst, she may suffer from a sore throat and gastric bloating afterwards. Mrs. Smith was supplied with an information booklet and we allowed her some time to digest all of the information that she had been given and assured her that any questions she wanted to pose would be answered. Afterwards, she stated that she still did not want to undergo the procedure and that she wanted to go home. At this point, the nurse advised that she should return to her doctor and inform him that she had not undergone the test. Mrs. Smith was also advised that she could return at a later date if she so wished and then she left the clinic. During my explanation of the procedure, I felt capable enough to fully explain what it entailed. However, when Mrs. Smith began to panic, I lost some of my confidence as this was something that I had not faced before. Therefore, I felt unable to calm Mrs. Smith down as I was lacking experience in this scenario. I was pleased that the nurse accompanying me took over in an instant. I felt to notice this. As I listened to the nurse, I noted the optimism displayed by the nurse when she instructed me not to provide refreshments for the patient. When I later questioned her on this matter, she told me that she had been in the same position any times before. Mrs. Smith was competent enough to exercise her right to refuse treatment. This is the moral and ethical right of every patient so long as they are deemed to have the mental capacity to make such a choice (Griffith and Teenage 2012). A medical professional cannot force a patient to undergo a procedure against their will. However, the practitioner must discuss all treatment options, relay the correct information and allow the patient time to come to an independent and informed decision (Ellen et al 2012). The term â€Å"Autonomy’ underpins the patient’s ethical and moral right to choose which path of treatment, if any, that they will follow. Glibber and Kingston (2012) state that the patients’ autonomy is in the clinician’s hands under duress of professionalism and nursing ethics, our advice and information is responsible for any decision reached. In this instance, Mrs. Smith was taken to a private seating area where a nurse calmly talked her through the procedure at length, answering any questions and also informed her of the statistical risks of a Gastropod which were her biggest concern. By doing this, the nurse wowed that she was empathic to the worries of the patient and also did her utmost to preserve patient confidentiality, as well as, providing a wealth of information preceding the refusal of treatment (Torrance et al 2012). It was obvious from the reaction of Mrs. Smith that she had anticipated treatment under a general anesthetic at her appointment. When reading through her notes previous to admission, I realized that she had not attended the pre-admission clinic. Had she attended this previous appointment, she would have been given all the information required for her proposed treatment. She would have been briefed fully on sedation, the basics of the procedure and many other factors consistent with treatment. Claritin et al (2009) describes pre-admission clinics as a necessity to provide the correct information and give patients the time to think and digest before presenting at hospital for a procedure. Evidence shows that pre-admission clinics have reduced the instances of failure to attend appointments and that patients are more involved in their care, which encourages a higher rate of recovery and reduces stress levels pre-operatively (Mitchell 2008). Knox et al (2009) also suggested that the implementation if these clinics have substantially reduced the instances of refusal of treatment due to more accurate information being given in a comfortable setting at a more relaxed time. If Mrs. Smith had attended the pre-admission appointment, she would have been given all the information and been able to ask any questions that she wished. Thus she would have been aware that she would not be offered a general anesthetic and a deeper understanding of the procedure. Thus this may have resulted in assisting Mrs. Smith with regards to informed consent. The nurses working within the clinic were all very well versed in the procedures and welcomed any questions. As soon as Mrs. Smith began to worry, there was sufficient evidence on hand in the form of a patient information guide as well as a knowledgeable nurse. In a study conducted by Amtrak (201 1), patients were found to be more comfortable when in the presence of a knowledgeable nurse. Patients overall concluded that this group to benefit from this. Postural et al (2010) suggests that the experiences gained by nurses in specialized areas are beneficial to the learning curve of student urges and their knowledge is a valuable tool in the production of a more advanced health care system. In the case of Mrs. Smith, the nurse highly educated in this area and was able to sufficiently assist the patient in making a fully informed choice without being devoid of any facts. Moser et al (2007) describes this approach as â€Å"a highly effective way of achieving patient autonomy’. In this scenario, the nurse was catering to Mrs. Smith’s first and foremost care requirements. During my reflective observations of this experience in my training, I have realized that there is nothing rater than knowledge and experience to assist patients with many aspects of their care. In the case of Mrs. Smith, the manner in which her questions were answered was tactful and informative. However, the patients’ right to choose was evidently the main priority. Mrs. Smith was never coerced, all information required was on hand and supplied without delay. The nurse ensured that she was competent to refuse the treatment and advised on how to proceed following the refusal. An obvious effort to calm the patient was made and the privacy afforded by the private seating area dad a huge difference in allowing her to digest all information that she had been given. The nurse made a tactful decision by advising me not to offer refreshments in case of a decision to proceed, however, this did not occur. In hindsight, I have realized that I have a long and hard road to travel before I am capable of the level of care that I would like to give my patients. I can draw from this experience and I can see that having the correct information is a must while at the same time being aware of the patients’ feelings and offering them an informed and involved choice in their care. I have also come to understand the relevance and requirement for clinics such as pre-admission. These clinics are indispensable in reducing patient anxiety, ensuring that patients have all the correct information and fully understand their proposed procedure prior to presenting for treatment. How to cite Reflection on Refusal of Treatment, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Online Grading System Essay Example
Online Grading System Essay The Development of an Online Grading System by Mary Jane Santos Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of BS Information Technology Integrated College of Business and Technology December 2010 CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Background Introduction In essence, grading is an exercise in professional judgment on the part of instructors. It involves the collection and evaluation of evidence on students achievement or performance over a specified period of time, such as nine weeks, an academic semester, or entire school year. Through this process, various types of descriptive information and measures of students performance are converted into grades or marks that summarize students accomplishments. The increasing usage of computers in the mid and late 90’s gave way for the birth of a new technological advancement that had assisted teachers and professors to easily compute for grades, the digitization of spreadsheets. The main advantage is speed, since no manual calculations are needed, and confirmation of grade for any further necessary alterations can also be performed more quickly than traditional means. Managing grades had become easier for instructors when using electronic spreadsheets. With the advancement of information technology at the turn of the millennium, the Internet suddenly became an important aspect for local and global connectivity. Because the world’s PCs were logically connected through the Internet medium, communication had been easier with the use of E-Mail, ICQ, message boards and other communication programs. As the technology’s complexities and bandwidth arise, so does the need for software to utilize them. From basic text and images, innovation pushed web sites to include tools for specialized services. We will write a custom essay sample on Online Grading System specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Online Grading System specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Online Grading System specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The need to inject applications to the fundamental web pages gave birth to server-side scripts like PHP, and database applications like MySQL. In turn, specialized online systems for different areas like education and commerce were developed using these tools. Significance of the Study Institutions like universities and colleges often have complex and lengthy computations when it comes to final grading since computations of grades which includes a number of quizzes, assignments, seat works, projects, major examinations and other curricular activities. Traditionally, this was done manually with pen and paper and is usually paired up with high queues of record books. An old manual system of grading or computations can take 3 to 5 minutes per student record to fully transpire and a procedure this tedious is a burden to anyone in the present fast paced and demanding profession. The primary objective of this study is to develop a secured online grading management system for professors, instructors and students.. This study will reduce and eliminate the amount of time required by the instructor to personally provide necessary feedback to the students and at the same time to make available a means by which students can easily verify that each of their score have been recorded. Another is that, it will provide a spreadsheet-like environment and adequate tools so instructors can customize a grading outline according to their preferences. Lastly, the study will automate an archival process in which it is initialized after finalizing the student’s grade. Like many of today’s applications, there are always positive effects or contributions to different types of users and institutions. This online application will benefit the professors because it will render the need of using external spreadsheet software unnecessary. This application will also reduce the time and effort needed in accomplishing final grade reports. In addition this will benefit the students because they can view the grading process of their performance. The school will also benefit on the long run because lesser time would be consumed in providing grade reports. This had also become beneficial to the student’s parents because it has lessen and somewhat eliminate the hassle of verifying the grades of their sons and daughters. Conceptual Framework Linear System theory is the foundation of the basic analysis of this system. Linear system theory assumes a cause-and-effect relationship for the components of a system. The input and output relationship represents processing the cause-and-effect of the process, which in turn represents a processing of the input variables to provide an output variable. The paradigm of the study consists of the context as shown in Figure 1. INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT The context is composed of the existing system in the manner of computing grades which are either manually or computerized by using spreadsheets. Moreover, it also includes the sources of data which are the reading materials like magazines, books, internet and by observing and asking qualified respondents that could give clarity to the study. The process of developing an online grade management system consists of creating a system flow chart that will serve as a guide in the creation of the program/system, the ERD (Entity-Relationship Diagram) that will be essential for the database or record keeping of the system and encoding, debugging errors and execution of the program. Statement of the Problem The general problem of the study is how to develop an online management system. There are some specific problem in this study that needs to be solved to accomplish the project. They are the following: 1. What programming language and web development tool to use to develop the system? 2. What will be the best web design? 3. What features should be included in the system? 4. How to ensure the security and integrity of the system? 5. How will the data be gathered and inputted into the system? Definition of Terms The following are the words used operationally in the study: †¢ Online. Refers to a state of having an internet access or being connected to the wide area network. †¢ Grade Management. Is a process of collecting, computing, handling and maintaining records of grades. Scope and Delimitations The focus of this study will cover the aspects of a grading system. It will not delve on securing the components from medium and high level attacks. The application will allow the users to add and modify computations using the basic arithmetic operations and logical statements (MS Excel’s VLOOKUP function). Additionally, the capacity of the data store or the maximum size is to be specified by the administrator. The automated archival process had initiate after subjecting the grades into finalization. CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature Online Grade Management Alvin Phililp C. Prina [emailprotected] com March 15, 2009 The methodology Rapid Application Development refers to a development cycle designed to give faster development and higher quality systems than the traditional one (SDLC). It is designed to take advantage of powerful tools like prototyping, iterative customization, code generators and CASE. The key objectives of RAD are high speed, high quality and low cost which are appropriate for the proponents’ team of three. This developmental methodology was selected because of it’s iterative nature to produce the needed requirements which was more than applicable to an online application. Additionally, the active user involvement in iterative development helped the developers to improve upon their work by constantly providing feedback. The RAD life cycle consists of four stages, namely, requirements planning, user design, rapid construction, and the transition stage. GRADING SYSTEMS, Thomas R. Guskey and Howard R. Pollio Encyclopedia of Education 2002 This article states that grading is an exercise in professional judgment on the part of teachers. It involves the collection and evaluation of evidence on students achievement or performance over a specified period of time, such as nine weeks, an academic semester, or entire school year. Through this process, various types of descriptive information and measures of students performance are converted into grades or marks that summarize students accomplishments. Although some educators distinguish between grades and marks, most consider these terms synonymous. Both imply a set of symbols, words, or numbers that are used to designate different levels of achievement or performance. They might be letter grades such as A, B, C, D, and F; symbols such as ? +, ? , and ; descriptive words such as Exemplary, Satisfactory, and Needs Improvement; or numerals such as 4, 3, 2, and 1. Reporting is the process by which these judgments are communicated to parents, students, or others. The issues of grading and reporting on student learning continue to challenge educators. However, more is known at the beginning of the twenty-first century than ever before about the complexities involved and how certain practices can influence teaching and learning. To develop grading and reporting practices that provide quality information about student learning requires clear thinking, careful planning, excellent communication skills, and an overriding concern for the well-being of students. Combining these skills with current knowledge on effective practice will surely result in more efficient and more effective grading and reporting practices. ONLINE GRADING SYSTEM www. gradesense. net Teachers all over the nation have discovered that when they utilize an online grading system, they are able to quickly and easy update, track, and grade student performance in much less time than they ever thought possible. Parents and students also enjoy being able to take part in an online grading system. This is because students and parents can access an online grading system with a password and can track grades and assignments whenever they need to. This helps students become more aware of their grades and also helps parents get involved in their child’s schooling. And as any teacher will tell you, when parents and teachers can work together to help a child succeed, that child has a much better chance of getting the most out of his or her schooling. The other great thing about an online grading system is that it can also be used to create report cards, assignment reports, class grade lists, student GPA, seating charts, roll sheets, attendance reports, and more. Online Grading Systems Mean No More Changing Ds to Bs Daniel de Vise Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, November 3, 2008 The proliferation of online grading systems has transformed relations among teachers, parents and students and changed the rhythm of the school year. Internet-based programs including SchoolMAX and Edulink are pushing midterm progress reports into obsolescence. Prospective failure is no longer a bombshell dropped in a parent-teacher conference. A bad grade on a test cant be concealed by discarding the evidence. A student can log on at school, or a parent at work, to see the immediate impact of a missed assignment on the cumulative grade or to calculate what score on the next quiz might raise an 89. 5 to a 90. Report cards hold little surprise. Parents say the programs reconnect them to the academic lives of their children, a relationship that can decay as students move from elementary to middle and high school. Such knowledge can also feed the controlling tendencies of the helicopter parent. Young receives an e-mail alert each time a grade is posted in any of her daughters classes, which is almost every day. You can get a little obsessive about it, she said. In the past year or two, the wave of Internet-based classroom portals has given parents and students the ability to review grades, download homework assignments and chat with teachers online. Such programs are increasingly common across the nation, a fringe benefit of the move toward centralized databases of grades, test scores and other education minutiae. School systems have fresh interest in such data because of the federal No Child Left Behind law, which requires them to report statistics on performance, attendance and discipline. The success of such programs depends on their security. Charles County schools posted grades online last school year but took them down this fall after the program accidentally gave some parents access to the grades of other peoples children. The school system is searching for a new program because parents miss their daily fix. Online Grading Systems Diane Sievert To begin with, software has to be installed on a computer as an application; in other words, to use the grading software, you must be using a computer on which that software has been installed. On the other hand, online grading systems can be employed from any computer that has internet access. That means you can work on your grades from home or in the classroom without having to lug a laptop back and forth. Another benefit of working with online grading systems is that you can post student grades online. Students are then given a log-in ID and a password so that they can check their academic progress whenever they feel like it. Gone are the days that students could complain and claim they had no idea they were doing poorlyposting grades online means that staying informed of their scholastic situation is the students responsibility. The same idea goes for parents as well. All too often parents feel like theyre left in the dark when it comes to their childs academic situationthe occasional progress report isnt always enough to get them up-to-date. If parents can access their childs grades online, they can nip minor problems in the bud and keep said problems from blooming into a scholastic catastrophe. Illinois Virtual High School Inquiry http://www. ivhs. org/ This online inquiry gives detailed information on persons that can be contacted with regard to specific field; example is a general program Issues, Technical Problems, Faculty Information and course development. It also gives information about their regional coordinators for participating schools. The website has a login feature where the students can login using their login ID. The online inquiry system of Illinois High School helps the authors to picture out and develop an ideal database structure for the system that will be proposed. The proponents system is similar and is based on some capabilities of the system in this study like the inquiry of courses and login feature for the students. Manual / computerized computation of grades †¢ Internet †¢ Books †¢ Magazines †¢ Interviews Development of an Online Grade Management System for Baliwag Polytechnic College †¢ Creating a flowchart and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) †¢ Encoding †¢ Debugging †¢ Executing
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Name _____________________________________________ Essays
Name _____________________________________________ Essays Name ______________________________________________________________________ Journal entries required for the film and novel To Kill a Mockingbird and Episodes of Modern family Journal entries for every 5-6 chapters Comment on 1-2 narrative conventions of the novel genre each time N arrative Conventions are techniques used to tell a story to the reader. Narrative Conventions include: points of view, 1st person, 3rd person characterisation descriptive language, conflict, climax, plot, time Guiding questions Chapters 1-3: What do we learn, in this chapter, about Harper Lee's view of the education system of the time? How do you view school? What do we learn about Calpurnia's attitude to other people in this chapter? What do we learn about Burris in particular and the Ewells in general in this chapter? Why do so many people make up, read, or view gruesome and frightening stories? Chapter 4-5 Why do people make fun of those who are different? Chapter 7- 9 Chapters 7-9: Give examples of prejudice. Identify the most common types of prejudice in our community, in the U.S., and in the world. Explain why these types of prejudice are destructive. What is the cause of Scout's outburst at the start of chapter 9? Why shouldn't Atticus defend Tom Robinson Chpater 9? Chapter 10 Why does Atticus say that it's a sin to kill a mockingbird' ? Chapter 12 What is the significance of the First Purchase Church? What new things does Scout learn about how the black people live? Chapter 14 Why does Aunt Alexandra think Atticus should sack Calpurnia? What response does Atticus give to this? Chapter 15 What is your definition of a MOB? How does mob behaviour differ from individual behavior? How would you handle an angry mob, as opposed to an angry individual? What is the mob's purpose in being there? RESEARCH TASK - find out about the Ku Klux Klan (Be ready to present your findings to the class) Chapter 17 How might a) the white people and b) the coloured people respond to Bob Ewell's statement I seen that black nigger yonder torrin' on my Mayella' Chapter 17 and 18 How does Harper Lee create and sustain tension in these chapters? Chapter 20 Atticus says that there is only one way in which all men are equal in America. What is it? Chapter 24 Why does Atticus take Calpurnia with him? Reflection Write about the importance of some of the families in T o K ill a M o c k i n g b i r d . Write about: How different characters in the novel are affected by their families How the writer presents different families and their importance. How does Harper Lee show Atticus to be a good parent? Write about: what he does what he says to Jem and Scout how the writer makes you think of Atticus as a good parent. What'sHappening MyThinking BriefSummary Keyevents/facts/details KeyQuotations Themes NewVocabulary Type of reading: Resistant reading or dominant reading? Reader'sreaction/opinions supportedwithevidence from thetext Whythey'reimportant/What'stheauthor'smessage? What is the purpose of the text? Mythinking/interpretations about themeaningor significance. Textreference/Inmyhead reference WhatIknowaboutthe word/howit connectstothetext Why? For each genre, please complete and submit the info sheet in English Skills 11 Page ___________
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How to Conjugate the Verb Entrare in Italian
How to Conjugate the Verb Entrare in Italian  Entrare has several definitions, including: To enterTo go inTo become a member (of)To fit What to Know About â€Å"Entrare†It’s a regular first-conjugation verb, so it follows the typical -are verb ending pattern.It’s an intransitive verb, which does not take a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"entrare†.The participio passato is â€Å"entrato†.The gerund form is â€Å"entrando†.The past gerund form is â€Å"essendo entrato†. Indicativo/Indicative Il presente io entro noi entriamo tu entri voi entrate lui, lei, Lei entra essi, Loro entrano Ad Esempio A partire da ora, lei entra a far parte della nostra famiglia. Starting from now, she’s a member of our family. Il passato prossimo io sono entrato/a noi siamo entrati/e tu sei entrato/a voi siete entrati/e lui, lei, Lei à ¨ entrato/a essi, Loro sono entrati/e Ad Esempio È appena entrato in casa. He just went into his house. L’imperfetto io entravo noi entravamo tu entravi voi entravate lui, lei, Lei entrava essi, Loro entravano Ad Esempio La grammatica russa non mi entrava in testa. Russian grammar didn’t go into my head (didn’t understand it). Il trapassato prossimo io ero entrato/a noi eravamo entrati/e tu eri entrato/a voi eravate entrati/e lui, lei, Lei era entrato/a essi, Loro erano entrati/e Ad Esempio Eravamo entrati nel bosco intorno alle sette di sera. We had entered the forest at around seven in the evening. Il passato remoto io entrai noi entrammo tu entrasti voi entraste lui, lei, Lei entrà ² essi, Loro entrarono Ad Esempio L’Italia entrà ² in guerra nel 1940. Italy entered in war in 1940. Il trapassato remoto io fui entrato/a noi fummo entrati/e tu fosti entrato/a voi foste entrati/e lui, lei, Lei fu entrato/a essi, Loro furono entrati/e Tip: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io entrerà ² noi entreremo tu entrerai voi entrerete lui, lei, Lei entrer essi, Loro entreranno Ad Esempio Quando avrà ² diciotto anni, entrerà ² nell’esercito. When I’m 18 years old, I will enter the army. Il futuro anteriore io sarà ² entrato/a noi saremo entrati/e tu sarai entrato/a voi sarete entrati/e lui, lei, Lei sar entrato/a essi, Loro saranno entrati/e Ad Esempio Saranno gi entrati al cinema. They must have entered the movie theater already. Congiuntivo/Subjunctive Il presente che io entri che noi entriamo che tu entri che voi entriate che lui, lei, Lei entri che essi, Loro entrino Ad Esempio Penso che entri dall’altra parte dell’edificio. I think you enter on the other side of the building. Il passato io sia entrato/a noi siamo entrati/e tu sia entrato/a voi siate entrati/e lui, lei, Lei sia entrato/a essi, Loro siano entrati/e Ad Esempio Crediamo che siano entrati dalla finestra. We believe they got in through the window. L’imperfetto io entrassi noi entrassimo tu entrassi voi entraste lui, lei, Lei entrasse essi, Loro entrassero Ad Esempio Speravamo che lei entrasse nella nostra famiglia, ma lei e mio fratello si sono lasciati. We hoped that she would become a part of our family, but her and my brother broke up. Il trapassato prossimo io fossi entrato/a noi fossimo entrati/e tu fossi entrato/a voi foste entrati/e lui, lei, Lei fosse entrato/a essi, Loro fossero entrati/e Ad Esempio Pensavo fosse entrato un topo in cucina. I thought a mouse had gotten into the kitchen. Condizionale/Conditional Il presente io entrerei noi entreremmo tu entreresti voi entrereste lui, lei, Lei entrerebbe essi, Loro entrerebbero Ad Esempio Non entrerei in quell’edificio, à ¨ inquietante. I wouldn’t go into that building, it’s creepy. Il passato io sarei entrato/a noi saremmo entrati/e tu saresti entrato/a voi sareste entrati/e lui, lei, Lei sarebbe entrato/a essi, Loro sarebbero entrati/e Ad Esempio Pensi che un ladro sarebbe entrato nel mio negozio? Ne dubito. Do you think a thief would have broken into my store? I doubt it.
Monday, February 17, 2020
To what extent can The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) be described Essay
To what extent can The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) be described as a feminist text - Essay Example Additionally, she was drug abused and a lonely woman being suffering the miseries of her life through the hands of his own people. However, she has been shown as a strong woman who takes revenge along with justifying his stance. The storyline is quite captivating in every regard making readers and viewers to enjoy every bit of it (Larsson, 2011). Though, a number of critiques have stated that the movie revolves around the subject of feminist where huge focus has been on highlighting the position and power of women in the society against the men (Newman, 2011). Additionally, with a strong plot, the movie also questions the deeds of men in the society and crimes committed by them in the form of rapes and murders. Being a string gender, the acts of men in the society and especially in the settings of Sweden have been closely analysed through the lenses of feminist approach. On the other hand, the movie supporters stated that the mainly because of the female protagonist, there have been talks about the film being a feminist text but in reality, it touches social issues that need to be understood from women’s’ perspectives (Bourke, 2007). Based on this, the discussion will revolve around analysing the fact to what extent the movie can be described as a feminist text along with discussing about the crime, sexuality, and gender in Sweden in a critical manner. The movie has some serious drama, sexual explicit, physical abuses, rapes, murders, and crime scenes that can be alluring and saddening but showcasing the reality to an extent prevailing in the backdrop of a country like Sweden. The movie shows that the publisher of the Millennium Magazine loses a case involving allegations that were published by him about the billionaire financier Wennerstrom. He was sentenced to three months of imprisonment. The female protagonist in the form of Lisbeth Slander was hired by Vanger, the patriarch of
Monday, February 3, 2020
Companies entering into contract Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Companies entering into contract - Case Study Example Right before signing the contract, there was no proper consultation by the client for proper requirements of the project; this was the first cause of the failure. Also contributing to the failure were the poor mechanisms to track the progress of the project by both parties. Furthermore, there was no clause to cater for arising issues and amendment of the contract. This resulted in lack of proper measures to solve many issues that were arising, leading to eventual failure of the project. Before signing contracts, there should be thorough consultations between concerned parties to avoid making errors that may result in losses to the companies involved. All employees should know the laws guiding professional ethical and ensure that they honor them for their own benefit, as well as that of the company as a whole. Keywords: Contract, Guilt, Agreement, Sign, Project, Measures, Consultation, Client, Developer Legal Directions that the Involved Parties should have Adopted The failures that h ave been associated with this contract provide enough evidence that the agreement between the software developer and the client company was incomplete. The various evidences of inappropriate conduct by either party symbolize the lapse in honoring the contract. There were also a lot of gaps left during the initial formulation of the contract, which encouraged the misconduct. It is important to define users’ requirements during the signing of contract. Right from the onset, the client should have involved the IT department in the process of issuing out the contract, since the product that was to be developed falls under their area of specialization; therefore they understand the requirements better. For example, the IT department could have challenged the vendors on various issues relating to the software that was to be developed, and were best suited to probe the developers on all matters relating to the operation of the software. Another failure caused by the client is the fa ilure to involve operational performance in the contract; this should have been the main aim of the software. This is because the contract was too open. Each party failed to know the real role of the software. In particular, any payment should be based on the performance of the item, and the various stages of payment should go hand in hand with functionality of the project. To handle this well, the contract should involve a clause to demand the vendor to provide the software design, so it could act as a guideline during each phase of the software development. Action taken towards the Two External Contractors Following the unlawful conduct of the employees whose employment was contract based, the company should have taken stern disciplinary action, because their conduct led to loss of confidence on the company by the client. This happened soon after the two contracted employees met with the client. Though it may not be clear what they discussed, actions speak louder than words. The c lient company pulled out of the contract and as a result, Dag Brucken (DB) incurred a lot of losses, including the loss of time and finances invested in the project. The greatest offence that these two employees are held liable for is revealing a company’s secret, whose result was loses to the company. Legal action that could be taken against them includes being taken to a court of law, so that they would face prosecution in reference to employee’s code of conduct and mode of conduct; their conduct was in contrast to the company’s policies. Ethical actions comprise the termination of their employment, and subsequent charges made upon them to repay the losses incurred by the company, due to their gross misconduct. DB Company
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Democracy And Non Democracy Politics Essay
The Democracy And Non Democracy Politics Essay This paper gives brief ideas about democratic and non-democratic systems in modern world. The definitions of democracies and non-democracies vary from person to person. Furthermore, there are variety of explanations and democratic models, such as direct democracy and representative democracy (Heywood, 2007). Just the term of democracy can change into diverse ideas. For the term of non-democracy, it may be easier for people to understand, but in fact it has indistinct divisions between some non-democratic regimes. Besides the definitions of these two terms, this paper will explores the dissimilitude between democracies and non-democracies. And it includes necessary examples for the comparison. Introduction Nowadays, democratic system is popular around the world. No matter Western or Asian countries, people praise democratic systems highly and believe this is nearly the perfect political system in the world. But there still have non-democratic systems in the world. What is non-democracy? And what are differences between democracies and non-democracies? Different political scientists have different explanations for the meanings of democracies and non-democracies. Moreover, non-democracies are different from democracies in theories and practices. This paper aims at introducing the ideas about the definition of non-democratic systems and focuses on three dissimilarities between democracies and non-democracies. Definition of democracies and non-democracies Before comparing democratic and non-democratic systems, we first need to define the terms democracy and non-democracy. Democracy has a wide range of meanings and applications. Heywood (2007) defined democracy as rule by people; democracy implies both popular participation and government in the public interest, and can take a wide variety of forms (p.448). According to McLean and McMillan (2012), democracy as a descriptive term is synonymous with majority rule (democracy). In the democratic systems, election or voting is the way to apply the principle of majority. Simply speaking, democracy is a political system that enables ordinary citizens to participate and influence in the politics. In this paper, democracy is referred to the liberal democracy which is the broadest accepted form of democracy (Heywood, 2007). Liberal democracy is a form of indirect, representative democracy and is based on competitive election. It also divides the state and social community clearly (Heywood, 2007) . The term of non-democracy is rarely seen in political dictionaries, but it can be easily understood by just reversing its meaning with democracy. Non-democracy is a system of rule by individual or a small group of people, not all people. Contrary to democracy, people are ruled by minority in non-democracies. Totalitarianism, dictatorship, authoritarianism, Fascism and other political systems are all included in non-democratic systems. Modern people view non-democracies as autocracy, savageness and cruelty (Ezrow and Frantz, 2011). Some non-democratic countries, like Singapore and Malaysia, seem like democracy (Ezrow and Frantz, 2011). So, a well-defined definition is important. In this paper, non-democracy is defined as the system of rule by a person, a party or a small group of people which means non-democracies imply that little mass mobilization and limited pluralism (Ezrow and Frantz, 2011). And Sliwinski (2012a) suggested that there are three types of non-democratic regimes: dic tatorship, authoritarianism and totalitarianism. In order to simplify the situation, this paper mainly focuses on these three kinds of non-democratic systems. Robertson (2004) gave a clear definition to dictatorship is a form of government in which one person has sole and complete political power (p.145). McLean and McMillan pointed out totalitarianism (2012) regulates every aspect of state and private behavior (totalitarianism) and Robertson said that how to decide totalitarianism is the way to use the powers. Robertson shared the same idea with McLean and McMillan in the concept of authoritarianism, he pointed out that authoritarian ignores public opinion and uses forceful ways to rule over the country. McLean and McMillan even pointed out that the existence of dictators is one of the main elements for totalitarian regimes in the twentieth century (dictatorship), like Stalins Russia and Hitlers Germany. However, Robertsons view (2004) is differed from that of McLean and McMillan. He stated that dictatorship, authoritarianism and totalitarianism do not have required relationship, Authoritarianism needs not, strictly speaking, be a dictatorship and well not be totalitarian (p.33). Although Robertson disagreed with the idea that dictatorship, authoritarianism and totalitarianism have some kind of connections, we cannot deny that these three political systems are, in some extent, similar to each other. Authoritarianism and totalitarianism also limit peoples political rights, but the latter one even control the private lives of its people. Moreover, as these three kinds of political regimes restrict peoples political rights, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them. But anyhow the comparison in this paper is: the comparison between liberal democracy and dictatorship, authoritarianism and totalitarianism. Comparison between democracies and non-democracies Separation of powers V.S. Domination of powers One of the main differences between democracy and non-democracy is the control of power. The democratic regimes separate the government powers; divide it into legislation, execution and adjudication. However, for the non-democratic regimes, the powers are only held by the ruler which means the ruler is the legislator, the executive and the judge of the state. The democratic system needs checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power, so it makes use of the separation of powers. The legislature controls the legislative power, the administrative holds the executive power and the judiciary controls the jurisdiction. These three powers are to make and change laws, to put laws into action and to make judgments on laws respectively (Sliwinski, 2012b, slide 22). These three political institutions can then mutually supervise and contain each other which can efficiently limit the power of the government. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, if one holds all the powers in his own hands, he will use the power to maximize his interests and ignore others interests and rights. The modern political thinkers John Locke and Montesquieu then believed that the power of the government should be restricted in order to avoid the appearance of tyranny and the corruption of powers. Locke suggested in order to protect peoples rights, there should be checks and balances. And Montesquieu was the first political thinker suggesting the idea of separation of powers. He believed that every government should divide its powers into three and this is largely influenced the American constitution and the Western political systems (Gingell, Little Winch, 2000). For the non-democratic regimes, they centralize the powers in their own hands. Non-democracies dominate the powers and through the monopolistic power, they fully exercise their authorities without limitations. Even though some of the regimes establish some resembling institutions to create an illusion of the separation of powers, the powers are actually combined in the regimes hands. The most efficient way to fulfill their aim -stabilizing the regimes status and power is to monopolize the powers. In The Prince, Machiavelli suggested the rulers should hold the absolute power with any way to preserve his power and regime (Gingell, Little Winch; Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2009). Thus, non-democracies can be seen as the embodiment of Machiavellis idea the use of absolute power. However, we should be aware that the maximization of powers is for the safe of the state, not for the ruler. And the non-democratic systems are contorting this point: they abuse the power just for the ir own interests, but not for their states and people. Here are some examples. The best model for the separation of powers in modern democracies is the system in United States. The separation of powers is clearly stated in the United States Constitution. The Congress only has the legislative power; the President of the United States holds the executive power and the Supreme Court enforces the judicial power. They are divisible and their powers do not overlap the power of one another. This practices the idea of mutual restraint on power. Therefore, the American political system embodies the idea of the checks and balances (Heywood, 2007). For the non-democracies, Soviet Union is a good instance. It was established in 1922 and ended in 1991. Soviet Union did not separate the powers, so that there were no limitations of powers for the party and the state. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union centralized three powers together and controlled the society and state tightly. Political equality V.S. Political inequality In the democratic countries, people have the chance to participate in the politics, this mainly presents by votes and elections. But for the non-democracies, they have lots of limitations in political participation which their people cannot actually involve in the political activities. The elections represent the political equality between people. From the view of liberal democracy, this means that the value of everyones vote is equal; no one will have a higher value of vote then the others (Heywood, 2007). Through the elections, it embodies the idea of political equality because the citizens do have the chance to express their views to the government by their own votes. It has no doubt that elections are important. According to Heywood, elections give the public the opportunity to affect the political process and decisions. In liberal democratic system, there is regular election within several years. People can take this chance to show their satisfaction towards the governments administration in past few years and also influence the political scene in the next several years. The most significant thing is that all the citizens do have the vote in their hands; no matter they are males or females, wealth or poverty or they are blacks or whites. From this perspective, people are equal politically and even socially (Heywood, 2007). Democratic countries, like the United States, the United Kingdom and France, have regular election system for their citizens to involve in politics and to express their political aspects. Therefore, the political equality also implies the widespread political participation. However, in the non-democratic regimes, it is usual to apply political inequalities. Not all the people in the regime can get the right to vote and only a small group of people control the political powers. This means some people are more influential in politics than the others. Even the non-democracies introduce elections to their citizens, the regimes secretly manipulate the elections in order to repress the opposition parties. For example, in Egypt, the economic elites are more political influential after 1984. Egypt is a single-party regime which is ruled under the National Democratic Party (NDP). In 1984, the businessmen supported the NDP and the ruler Mubarak; since then, they gain more political power by joining the party (King, 2009). The poverty, who is mainly the Egyptian workers and peasants, lost the opportunity to participate in the political activities (King, 2009). Even though Egypt has the electoral system, it still regards as non-democracy because the electoral syste m is dominated by the NDP (King, 2009; Ezrow Frantz, 2011). According to King, the NDP do not let the opposition parties to grow in strength and most important is that the party is able to allot the votes of labors and peasants. Not only in Egypt, other non-democracies, like China, Burma and Iran, do not have political equality and wide political participation. Freedom V.S. Constraint Another main difference between the democracies and non-democracies is the freedom of the citizens. In a democratic society, people enjoy the freedoms under the laws which mean their freedoms are protected by laws. Nevertheless, the non-democratic regimes usually restrict the freedoms of the people. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) regulates all people in the world have the rights to enjoy their freedoms. Freedom House, which is non-governmental organization, conducts researches on the countries degree of freedom and its annual report can be deemed as democratic report. Many political scientists use the report as the ratings of democracy. This implies that freedom is one of the fundamental elements in modern democracy. Most of the democratic countries have high rates of freedom, according to the Freedom in the World in 2012, like the countries in the Western Europe, which adopt the electoral democracies, all enjoy the rating of Free in the report. People in democratic countries enjoy their freedoms and rights because democracy is to protect all peoples interests both majority and minority. However, it is wrong to say that there is freedom, then there is democracy. Undoubtedly, it needs a certain degree of freedoms to form democracy. As the participation in polit ics do implies the freedoms of opinion and expression, speech and assembly, it is impossible for a democratic country works without the enjoyment of freedoms (Hovde, 1949). On the contrary, people under the non-democratic regimes normally do not enjoy most of the freedoms because the regimes disregard peoples rights and freedoms. Most of the regimes repress the freedom of speech, assembly and freedom of the press. Why do non-democracies constrain these freedoms? It is because they need to unite their peoples thought and ideology together with the regimes in order to prevent rebellion. North Korea, the totalitarian regime nowadays, is the best-suited example. The mass media in North Korea is fully controlled by the government and the media compliment blindly on the regime and the Kim family. The thought and daily lives of North Koreans are strictly controlled by the government. The North Koreans cannot leave the country; otherwise they will be regarded as traitors. Therefore, they do not enjoy any freedoms at all. Another Asian country Singapore also restrains citizens freedoms (Burton, 2010). The Singaporean government repressed the freedom of the pres s in the country by enforcing the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (the Press Act) in 1974 (Rajah, 2012). And in the recent Press Freedom Index, Singapore was ranked a very low score 135 out of 179 countries. According to Rajah, the Singaporean government also carried out the Religious Harmony Act and the Public Order Act in order to restrict the freedom of religion and freedom of assembly of its citizens. Conclusion The definitions of democracies and non-democracies are wide and diversified, by narrowing their definitions, we can explore some main differences with them. There are three main differences between democratic and non-democratic regimes include: the control of power, the degree of participation in politics and the rate of freedom. The democracies separate its power into three (legislation, execution and adjudication), achieve political equality and carry out broad political participation, and let their citizens enjoy freedoms. On the contrary, the non-democracies monopolize the powers, limit the political participation within their supporters and imply political inequality, and repress the freedoms of their people. The studies about democratic and non-democratic regimes need to continue from time to time, in order to explore more possibility and rationality about them.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Did the Popular Culture of the 1960 Do More Harm Than Good? Essay
The 1960’s reflects a huge change in people’s lives, where young people started to rebel against the traditional norm, therefore starting the counterculture and social revolution. Not all of these were good and sensible; however in my opinion, these changes were essential to the development of technology, fashion and lifestyle, and they more than just made up for the harm caused. Arguably one of the most significant changes was the fact that those from the younger generation started to gain money, and status. Source A states, â€Å"Today’s youth has money, and teenagers have become a power. In their struggle to impose their wills upon an adult world, young men and women have always been blessed with energy, but never, until now, with wealth. After handing mum a pound or two, they are left with more spending money than most of their elders, crushed by adult obligations.†Never before had the youth been blessed with wealth; in US this may have been the result of its longest uninterrupted economical expansion in history. The youth were â€Å"a social group whose tastes are studied with respect – particularly by the entertainment industry†because they learnt in no time that young people were willing to spend their money as long as they were sold what they wanted. All television programmes and films were previously aimed at young children and middle-aged people. The film industry faced a turn in their original style as they realised the significance of the younger generation to the expansion of their success. This decade is said to be ‘the end of the Hollywood Studio system, and the era of independent, Underground Cinema’. Genres such as musicals, historical drama, psychological horror, comedy and science fiction became the new trend. There were other major sub-genres which were at its peak during this decade too, for example spy films were especially popular, and it is said that this was because of the combination of the audience’s fear of the Vietnam War, and their desire to see exciting and suspenseful films. The 1960’s had brought another huge change in music as well. Although the specific ‘date’ of the break between the 50’s music and the 60’s music is unclear, it is generally said to be ‘before the British invasion’ and ‘after the British invasion’ of American music. By the ‘British invasion’ we are referring to the numerous British artists and groups of admirers and emulators of American rock n’ roll, whose fame and popularity abruptly increased in the US during the early 1960’s. The most well-known and influential would probably be ‘The Beatles’, who had a huge impact not only on the ‘1960’s music’ but also on the ‘1960’s fashion’. They were hugely appreciated by the nation, and we can prove this through source B, part of a description of a certain day in 1964, written by actress Joanna Lumley in her autobiography; on â€Å"a hot summer’s evening†, â€Å"instead of the rush hour an extraordinary silence and emptiness had descended upon London, on England, on Britain†¦ No one was to be seen by the flower-stall, the newspaper stand†¦The nation held its br eath because that evening the four Beatles, all the Fab Four, were appearing live on ‘Juke Box Jury’†. From the way the actress depicts her trip to her â€Å"aunt’s flat†from the â€Å"tube station†, we can confirm how intrigued everyone was by the Beatles – enough to abandon their work and hold their breath just because they were appearing ‘live’ on a television show. This source is supported figuratively by fact that on its release in August 1963, â€Å"the band’s fourth single, ‘She Loves You’, achieved the fastest sales of any record in the UK up to that time, selling three-quarters of a million copies in under four weeks†(according to Wikipedia). They were typically regarded as â€Å"being cool, hip, smart, lippy, charming and funny†, and many people thought â€Å"It was very heaven to be alive†to be able to watch them. Source C informs us of how the attitude of the Beatlesâ €™ fans in the 1960’s were different to today’s who are â€Å"a little more reserved†, although he explains that the supporters were â€Å"never as crazy as they used to say it was†anyway. Paul McCartney, stated that â€Å"If you’d see a bunch of kids coming towards you, you could stop them. They’d only want your autograph; and you could chat†, and he was so sure of this because â€Å"the thing about fans was I used to do the same thing myself. I felt like I understood what they were on about†. The sources B and C support each other because the â€Å"bunch of kids†mentioned in source C could easily include Joanna Lumley, who is recalling her youth in source B, describing that â€Å"it was very heaven to be alive†. She is recollecting the memory of seeing the usual rush hour London deserted, and Paul McCartney says that â€Å"There’d be a lot of screaming†, which both portrays that of the excitement of the audience. Not only did their songs influence the rest of the singers that followed, it even reached into the ‘fashion’ world. People imitated their Beatle haircut (also known as the mop-top because of its resemblance to a mop), causing some toy manufacturers to begin producing Beatle wigs. It is said that in the Brezhnev-dominated Soviet Union, mimicking The Beatles’ hairstyle was seen as an extremely rebellious act. Young people were called â€Å"hairies†by their elders, and were arrested and forced to have their hair cut in police stations. The Beatles would wear Edwardian collarless suits, occasionally in black but later in grey, adopted from the Mod youth cult which was at its peak in the UK at that time. Some very famous artists and groups include Elvis Presley, The Supremes, The Rolling Stones, The Beach Boys, Bob Dylan, Aretha Franklin, Sam Cooke, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Ray Charles, Otis Redding, James Brown, The Temptations, Janis Joplin and The Who. T wo very popular fashion items introduced to the ‘Swinging London’ in the 1960s include Mary Quant’s mini-skirt and Jackie Kennedy’s pillbox hat. Women’s false eyelashes and their varied arrangement of their hair were a prominent trend throughout the decade. The two most famous super models then were Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton, both very thin. 91-pound Twiggy was the iconic figure of the fashion industry, her name originating from her waif and twig-like appearance. Although it was the fashion industry, pop culture and magazines that actually promoted the ‘drive’ for thin figure, people sometimes blame her for causing making women self-conscious about their bodies, striving to achieve bodies as thin and stream-lined as hers, sometimes going over the top to do so. The biggest problem concerning models at that time, however, was that of sexual exploitation. It may be thought of as rare for models to have sex with their clients, but according to fashion models who had spoken out about the problem, it actually was a daily occurrence. The ‘Hippie Movement’ began as a youth movement in the early 1960’s, escalating later on to a larger-scale, more formal sub-culture as it spread to other countries across the world. ‘Hippie’ is said to be originally derived from the word ‘hip’, which comes the Black culture and denotes ‘awareness’. Being a hippy meant questioning authority and its power, desire for peace and the rejecting of middle-class materialism and the whole military-industrial complex in favour of a more spiritual, more environmentally conscious approach. They played a very important role in the Vietnam War, for they voiced their anti-war sentiments, protesting both violently and non-violently in order to change the world’s view on certain things, including war civil rights. The increase of rather ‘accepting’ people also meant that racism was getting less severe. Despite all these wonderful changes, some people weren’t too happy about the popular culture in the 1960’s. Mary Whitehouse, a British campaigner against the ‘permissive society’ and the â€Å"founder of the Women of Britain Clean Up TV Campaign†, was one whose motivation was strongly derived from her traditional Christian beliefs. Source D shows part of an article in the Daily Mail, 1964, where she states that â€Å"Authors who speak out strongly for the established Christian faith and write plays which inspire a sense of purpose and hope find it extraordinarily difficult to get their work accepted†, explaining further that this â€Å"became necessary because of the built-in censorship which the BBC exerts against much which is good and clean in our national culture†. In reality, she is implying how the BBC is barricading the majority of what is â€Å"good and clean†in the Britain culture, discretely pointing out the changes th at has started to occur in the decade which revolves around the theme ‘popular culture’. Her opposition to the popular culture in the 1960’s is also supported by other issues that started to emerge typically at this time concerning fashion, music and culture – these range from minor ones such as the spread of Beatlemania, known as the â€Å"social disease with no cure†, to extreme diet and anorexia and sexual exploitation. With this knowledge however, I personally think that there have been enough positive changes to make up for all the negative outcomes. Bearing in mind the fact that the youth had rapidly started losing their respect towards the elderly, and how the youth-dominated culture had resulted in many bad catastrophes, I believe that this decade of popular culture had given youth opportunities that would never have been available to them before, had effectively taught us to ‘learn from our mistakes’ and ‘improve our lives’ thereafter, and have consequently done more good than harm.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Things You Should Know About Best Persuasive Essay Samples
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