Tuesday, December 24, 2019
A Study on Operant and Classical Conditioning - 1477 Words
Operant and Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning best explains reflective responding that is largely controlled by stimuli preceding the response, while operant conditioning is the kind of learning influenced by stimulus events that follow the responses. (Weiten). In operant conditioning, reinforcement is defined as after the fact. Reinforcement follows a response and increases tendency to make the response. In classical conditioning, the reinforcement comes before the response is made and increases tendency to make the response. A middle school teacher intercepted a note that contained personal information, read it out loud, and the student the note was intended for leaves the class and school, feels sick at going to school the next day, and becomes ill at the thought of the teacher. This is a classical conditioning case. (Daniels, 2009). If the students behavior had happened before the teacher intercepted the note and read it out loud, it would have been a case of operant conditioning. In classical conditioning, the students reaction to the teacher, classroom, and the school is a conditioned response and creates a physiological reaction. In operant conditioning, the teachers reaction to the students behavior, if reversed, would have been conditioned and creates a physiological reaction. Operant responding is controlled by consequences as response-outcomes (R-O) are learned. In operant conditioning the students response can be considered a consequenceShow MoreRelatedClassical Operant Conditioning Case Study1686 Words  | 7 Pagesrelationships, cultural influences and biological factors (Rohsenow, 2016). Each of the case studies that are talked about the CBT approach and how it applies to a substance related disorder. This paper talks about classical, operant conditioning, social learning as it applies to a substance disorder. As well as the CBT approach and how it applies to someone who has a substance disorder. Classical conditioning- is a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; Pavlov determinedRead MoreClassical and Operant Conditioning Case Study1357 Words  | 6 Pagesthat occur close in time. When an organism learns to make associations, it is being conditioned. There are two types of conditioning. Operant conditioning is when an organism associates an action and the consequence of that action. It results in the organism adapting its behavior to maximize rewards and minimize punishment (Skinner). On the other hand, classical conditioning is a type of learning where an organism associates a certain stimulus and the response to it with a different stimulus.Read MorePhobias1174 Words  | 5 Pagesdeveloped through operant conditioning and how addictions can be developed through operant conditioning. This essay also examines the distinctions between classical and operant condition and examines â€Å"extinction†as it relates to psychological theory and how extinction is achieved in classical and operant conditioning. Phobias and Addictions Numerous psychologists believe that behaviors are learned through conditioning. These conditionings are known as operant, which is based onRead MorePavlov s Classical Conditioning Vs. Operant Conditioning1172 Words  | 5 PagesPavlov’s Classical Conditioning vs. B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Bhavika D. Patel Atlantic Community College Abstract Ivan Pavlov and B.F. 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Associative learning occurs when a person or an animal forms a simple association among various stimuli, behaviors, or both. It requires little to no awareness or thought. Cognitive learning refers to understanding, knowing, and anticipating. Our subjectRead MoreClassical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning1492 Words  | 6 Pages To expand upon the concepts of the two forms of conditioning listed above, three additional principals not previously listed for the sake of convenience are present in both forms of conditioning; these three principals-extinction, spontaneous recovery, and stimulus discrimination-are among the number of basic principals of conditioning that are found in most forms of conditioning. To explain, Extinction refers to the process by which the steady weakening or diminishment of a conditioned responseRead MoreEssay Operant Conditioning1743 Words  | 7 PagesPavlov Classical conditioning is a method used in behavioral studies. It is known as classical because it is the first study of laws of learning/conditioning, It is a learned reaction that you do when evoked by a stimulus. Ivan Pavlov was the scientist who discovered classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov was born in Russia. He lived from 1849 - 1936 . Pavlov’s field of study was physiology and natural science. One of Pavlov’s discoveries was the conditioning of dogs. While workingRead MoreClassical And Operant Conditioning And The Field Of Psychology997 Words  | 4 PagesHow have studies of classical and operant conditioning contributed to the field of psychology? In this essay I will outline the main principles of both operant and classical conditioning methods and discuss what both theories have contributed to the field of psychology and what they have taught us about the way in which some human behaviour occurs. Classical conditioning, also known as Pavlovian conditioning (Davis, S. F., Buskist, W. (2008). 21st century psychology: a reference handbook Page
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